Monday, May 03, 2010

New Day!

Been in a "Funk" for the past few weeks but I seem to be coming out of it. Mom's death really threw me for a loop. She had been sick for so long but I've learned you are never ready for your parent to pass.

The hardest part of this whole occurence is not being able to just pick up the phone and call her. Even for just a few seconds. I know she is with our Lord and she is happy and pain free.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Thank You Jesus!

Family is one of the wonderful things God gave us to enjoy on this earth. God loves families as He invites us to become part of His. Sometimes our earthly families become burdensome but we must remember God gave us our families so warts and all we are to love them with His love. I thank God for my family and my church family. I am truly blessed with all the love that surrounds me on earth.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Had the honor of spending a day and a half with our granddaughter. She is now three months old and she is so lovely and smart. It blesses my soul each time I get to hold her (which is never enough). My heart sings when she smiles at me and all of my day's worries just melt away. This is why God made grandchildren. Her grandfather is just as smitten with her as I and we tend to argue over who gets to hold her the most. ( I hog her I must admit....don't really care...just want to hold her. Grandpa is just too slow :)

My mom has yet to have her surgery but is scheduled for tomorrow. (Hopefully third time will be a charm. She says her arms ache to hold her great grand child. She said that the love only intensifies as the generations continue.

I can only imagine how our heavenly Father feels when He loves us 10,000 time more than we are capable of loving. Incredible. God IS soooo good!!!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

I miss her!

Went for a visit to Jake an Liz's yesterday. Spent a good portion of the day with Mia and Liz. Jake and JOhn wen to the range. Anyway, I began to notice as we were pulling out of their driveway to head home that I had an ache in my tummy. I couldn't figure out what is was until we were closer to home but I realized that I was missing my grandchild. It was kind of sad. I really didn't think grandmoms did that but I guess I was wrong. I praise God that we live close enough to see her often but boy is it difficult to leave her.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Family is so important to me. I could not imagine my life void of family. My mom an dad always said family is everything. You know, God's family is everything. It bring peace to the weary and love to those who are in need of God's true love.

I recently became a grandmother for the first time and trust me the love God gives us to love our grandchildren is as close to perfect love as I have ever experienced. It is an unselfish, all consuming love that makes me smile when I think about my grandchild. I love her so much and I praise God for bringing her into my life.

Here is a recent picture of my girl with her girl.

How blessed am I?: How precious time is.

How blessed am I?: How precious time is.

How precious time is.

I am trying to understand that God gives us a finite amount of time to do His work. Sometimes I find it easier to put off what He is asking me to do. Why? I really don't know except it is easier to do nothing. Nothing comes from nothing however. How many times does God honor us with a job and we do not respond? He will search for others to do His work which leaves us with less blessings. Is it worth it?